European Committee for the study of corrosion and protection of pipes and pipeline systems - Drinking water, waste water, gas and oil
Founded in 1956, CEOCOR became an international scientific non-profit association in 1981. Most of the European countries are members of CEOCOR which brings together hundreds of specialists from:
- universities and research centres
- water, gas and oil distribution and transportation companies
- waste water companies
- pipe producers and manufacturers of coatings and equipment for cathodic protection systems
The international exchange of experiences and technical know-how ensure the objectivity and the independence of CEOCOR activities.
- provide the basis for scientific and technical guidance in the field of corrosion by studies, recommendations and publications
- contribute to the formulation of European standards
- topics examined by specialists in working groups
- plenary meetings, twice a year, of the sectors and management bodies
- annual congress hosted by one of the member countries
CEOCOR is structured into 2 commissions whose aims are the following:
Commission 1 deals with the interaction between transported or stored water and metallic or cement based materials. Such interaction may lead to the deterioration of the materials themselves and/or deterioration in the quality of the transported water.
The field of activities of Commission 1 covers the materials used in this environment, their corrosion behavior, corrosion mechanisms and their Corrosion behavior in the field, choice of materials and “non-electrical” protective measures.
Commission 2 deals with external corrosion and cathodic protection against corrosion, mainly for water, oil and gas pipelines and relevant infrastructures; AC and DC stray currents and electrical interferences are in the field of competences of this Commission.
The field of activities of Commission 2 covers, among others, current influenced corrosion, cathodic protection, stray currents, AC-Corrosion.