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![]() DIN NABau-Workshop
Normung im Bereich Offshore-Windenergie 21.09.2012 in Berlin Am 21. September 2012 wurde im Hause DIN der Workshop "Baunormung für Windenergieanlagen" durchgeführt. Im Rahmen des Workshops stellten Experten des Deutschen Institut für Bautechnik (DIBt), des Bundesamtes für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrografie (BSH) sowie der Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM) den aktuellen Stand der Standardisierung im Bereich "onshore" und "offshore" Windenergieanlagen vor. _________________________________________________ CEOCOR GENERAL ASSEMBLY
30.05.2012 in Luzern This meeting took place on May 31st, 2012 at 18.15 H at the Radisson Blu Hotel during the congress in Lucerne. President Lucio Di Biase opens the meeting and notices that all 12 Adherent Members are present or represented and that the statutory quorum has been reached. The General Assembly can thus validly deliberate. The General Assembly approves the agenda of the meeting. 1. Approval of the minutes of the meeting held in Menthon-Saint-Bernard (F) on May 18th, 2011 The minutes are unanimously approved without remarks. 2. The President’s report L. Di Biase thanks SVGW/SSIGE and the Swiss representatives to CEOCOR for the organization of the Ceocor 2012 Congress. The SVGW/SSIGE is the Swiss Gas and Water Industry Association. The congress is a very successful one. There are 99 participants + 7 accompanying persons from 18 different countries. The program of the technical presentations of both Commissions totalizes 36 papers, which is a record in the history of CEOCOR. He also thanks the Vice-Presidents, Peter Frenz and Jean Baron, the Presidents of the Commissions, Max Hammerer and Markus Büchler, the Secretary General, René Gregoor and the manager of the web site, Guy Scharfe, for their commitment and assistance to making this congress a success. He thanks the audience for their attention and participation. 3. Approval of new Full Members, Directors and Associated Members Lucio Di Biase, president of CEOCOR, received a letter of application of membership of the company PLINOVODI d.o.o. for the representation of SLOVENIA as Full Member of CEOCOR. Plinovodi .o.o. proposed to mandate LOVSIN Leopold to represent this Company in the Board of CEOCOR. During its meeting of 17th November 2011, and according to Article 6 of the Statutes, the Board of Directors examined this demand, approved it and decided to draft report of this to the General Assembly of today for approval. Lucio Di Biase, president of CEOCOR, received a letter of application of membership of the Board from SYNERGRID, proposing to mandate KAS Ilir to represent this Company in the Board of CEOCOR. Lucio Di Biase, president of CEOCOR, received a letter of application of membership of the Board from INSTM, proposing to mandate PROVERBIO Edoardo to represent this Company in the Board of CEOCOR. During its meeting of May 30th 2012, and according to Article 6 of the Statutes, the Board of Directors examined these demands, approved them and decided to draft report of these to the General Assembly of today for approval. The General Assembly approves and applauds these proposals. Today, the Board of Directors is completing its three-year term of office. From now on, the list of Full Members and Directors for the 2012-2015 term of office is as follows: Full Member : "ÖSTERREICHISCHE VEREINIGUNG FÜR DAS GAS- UND WASSERFACH (ÖVGW)" Full Member : "LA FEDERATION BELGE DU SECTEUR DE L’EAU (BELGAQUA)" Full Member : "L’ASSOCIATION SCIENTIFIQUE ET TECHNIQUE POUR L’EAU ET L’ENVIRONNEMENT (ASTEE)" Full Member : "DEUTSCHE VEREINIGUNG DES GAS-UND WASSERFACHES E.V. (DVGW)" Full Member : "PIPELINE MAINTENANCE" Full Member ; "CONSORZIO INTERUNIVERSITARIO NAZIONALE PER LA SCIENZA E TECNOLOGIA DEI MATERIALI (INSTM)" Full Member : "LA COMMISSION LUXEMBOURGEOISE DE LA CORROSION (CLC)" Full Member : "SLOVAK GAS AND OIL ASSOCIATION (SGOA)" Full Member : “PLINOVODI o.o.” Full Member : "ASOCIACION ESPANOLA DE ABASTECIMIENTOS DE AGUA Y SANEAMIENTO (AEAS)" Full Member : "SWEREA KIMAB" Full Member : "SOCIETE SUISSE DE L'INDUSTRIE DU GAZ ET DES EAUX (SSIGE)" A 3-year period of function of President, Vice-Presidents and Secretary General is coming to an end. CEOCOR welcomed also new Associated Members during 2011 and 2012
The General Assembly welcomes and approves these new members. 4. Report of Secretary General and approval of the 2011 accounts; They have been verified and found to be correct by Ernest REITER and Reginald Borremans, financial commissioners. They are presented as follows:
2011 Printing : printing of flyers in 3 languages In accordance with article 32 of the statutes, the General Assembly approves the 2011 accounts.
5. Presentation of the 2011 - 2012 provisional accounts The General Assembly approves these provisional accounts. 6. Discharge to the Secretary-General and Treasurer The General Assembly gives discharge to the Secretary-General and Treasurer, René Gregoor. 7. Appointment of the Financial Commissioners Lucio Di Biase received a notice of dismissal from Ernest Reiter, one of the two Financial Commissioners of CEOCOR. Lucio Di Biase thanks Ernest Reiter for his long and enthusiastic devotion to CEOCOR, as member of the Luxemburg delegation, as Vice-President, as President of CEOCOR and later on as Financial Commissioner of CEOCOR. The Board of Directors proposes to appoint Tom Levy as the new Financial Commissioner of CEOCOR, together with Reginald Borremans, who accepted to continue his mandate. In accordance with Article 33 of the Statutes, the General Assembly approves and applauds these appointments. 8. CEOCOR days in 2013 and 2014 Florence 2013 (Italy) Lucio Di Biase announces the CEOCOR Congres 2013 to take place between 15/05/2013 and 15/06/2013 in Florence. More details to be given later. Weimar 2014 (Germany) Peter Frenz (DVGW) and Hans-Gerhard Köpf (fKKS) announce the CEOCOR Congres 2014 to take place between 15/05/2014 and 15/06/2014 in Weimar (Germany). 9. Miscellaneous 9.1 Announcements of activities of members Regularly, the General Secretariat receives announcements of technical meetings, conferences, congresses, … organised by CEOCOR members. The Board decides that from now on the General Secretariat will forward this information to the Web Master to create links from our web site to these events. 9.2 Partnership with other institutions Mutual membership with other institutions should be promoted. 9.3 Publications (which, updates, availability) An inventory of publications shall be drawn up. If an update of the content is appropriate, shall be decided on a case by case basis. If these documents are still relevant, they will be downloadable from the public web site free of charge. 11. Place and date of the next meeting : 2013 in Florence (Italy) _________________________________________________ IRO Treffpunkt Gasverteilung
20.04. – 21.04.2012 in Magdeburg Vom 20. bis 21.04.2012 fand der mittlerer Weile 6. „iro Treffpunkt Gasverteilleitungen“ statt. In diesem Jahr trafen sich die Vertreter Versorgungsunternehmen aus der ganzen Republik in Magdeburg. _________________________________________________ IRO Workshop
29.11. – 01.12.2011 in Dortmund Vom 29. November bis 1. Dezember 2011 fand der diesjährige IRO-Workshop in Dortmund statt. Zum übergreifenden Thema „Qualitätssicherung bei Gashochdruckleitungen“ diskutierten Fachleute aus Gasversorgungsunternehmen, die mit einem Betriebsdruck über 16 bar arbeiten. Die Teilnehmer entscheiden sich für die Mitarbeit in einem der 5 Arbeitskreise, die sich mit den Themen Betrieb und Instandhaltung, Festigkeit und Standsicherheit, Korrosionsschutz sowie Organisation und Information befassen. Der Arbeitskreis „Korrosionsschutz bearbeitete zunächst das Thema „Wirksamkeit des KKS innerhalb von Mantelrohren“. Die Bewertung ob ein Mantelrohr kritisch ist oder nicht kann mit dem Widerstandsvergleichsverfahren, dem Polarisationsvergleichsverfahren und ergänzend mittels Molchung stattfinden. Das Polarisationsvergleichsverfahren ist derzeit nicht Stand der Technik. Folgende Veröffentlichungen zu diesem Thema erschienen in der 3R-international:
Im Verlaufe einer weiteren Sitzung wurde über das Einsatzverhalten von Kunststoffwerkstoffen für Rohrleitungen mit kohlenwasserstoffhaltigen Flüssigkeiten diskutiert. Rohre aus Polyethylen werden zum Transport von Flüssigkeiten eingesetzt, deren Korrosivität für Stahl nicht geeignet ist. Die PE-Rohre erscheinen auf den ersten Blick als dicht. Erfahrungen zeigen jedoch, dass durch das Diffusionsverhalten Kohlenwasserstoffe durch die Rohrwandung nach außen dringen. Bei einer 1 km langen PE-Leitung mit einem Durchmesser von 110 mm können das immerhin 1 cbm Gas pro Jahr sein. Aufgrund der Erfahrungen werden PE-Rohre für solche Aufgaben nicht mehr eingesetzt, allenfalls als Inliner von Stahlleitungen. Ein weiterer Beitrag beschäftigte sich mit der „Qualitätssicherung bei der Durchführung von HDD-Bohrungen“. Die Forderungen zur landschaftsschonenden grabenlosen Verlegung von Rohrleitungen nehmen einen immer größeren Umfang an und schließen alle Rohrdimensionen ein, d.h Rohrnennweiten von DN 100 bis DN 1400 werden mit dem HDD-Verfahren verlegt. _________________________________________________ |
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